HGUC #219 - Dijeh - Amuro's Personal Mobile Suit by Kabara
SKU: 2436317
Category: Gundam UC - Universal Century, HG - High Grade, Model Kits!
Vendor:Bandai Namco
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- Two different options are provided for the mono-eye construction: one with the plain rail and one with dual-eye molded. These can be interchanged but will require some disassembly of the head unit.
- The head can rotate, tilt, and move forwards/backwards on a double-sided ball-joint neck.
- The upper torso can bend forward and rotate slightly.
- Each shoulder joint can swing upwards, allowing the arms to be raised beyond parallel to the ground.
- Each shoulder joint construction can slide out to enable them to swing forwards/backwards.
- The shoulder-mounted shield on the right shoulder moves independently on a ball joint.
- The arms can...
- Swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper elbows can rotate.
- Elbows and knees are double-jointed and can be bent up to about 180 degrees.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The waist can rotate, though hindered by the red cockpit hatch unless it's lifted up.
- Front and side skirt armors can lift up to avoid interference with the leg articulation.
- The hip joint axis is a see-saw joint, allowing it to move up/down on one side.
- The upper thighs can swing frontwards (and backwards in a limited extent) on a peg, raise horizontally, and/or rotate on each piece.
- The ankles can tilt in an extent, or slightly pivot.
Weapons & Other Gimmicks
- The hands are swappable.
- Each of the weapons must be wielded by their respective hands.
- While using the Beam Rifle, the model can be posed supporting the rifle with the left hand using the open-palm manipulator.
- The Clay Bazooka can be stored on either side of the backpack, or onto the left shoulder via a connector piece.
- The Beam Naginata can be optionally removed from the rear waist armor (via connector) as a handheld weapon.
- The Dijeh can mount onto any Action Bases (sold separately).