HGUC #088 - Sazabi Metallic Coating Version

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  • Sazabi
    • Manipulators
      • General weapon-holding (1 pair)
      • Trigger-finger (right)
  • Beam Shot Rifle
  • 2 Beam Sabers
  • Shield
    • 2-way Adapter
  • Beam Tomahawk
    • Tomahawk effect part
    • Sword effect part
  • 6 Funnels (deployed)


Kit Features & Gimmicks


  • The head can pivot back in an extent, or swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
    • Mono-eye can move left or right. (Removal of the upper head is required.)
  • The shoulder joints can swing frontward.
  • The arms can...
    • Swing on a peg and socket joint.
    • Raise horizontally. (The shoulder armor's middle panels can lift up to avoid interference to the arm articulation.
  • The upper elbows can rotate.
  • Both elbow and knee joints can be bent into 90 degrees.
  • The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
  • The waist can rotate on a ball-and-socket joint, though in an extent.
  • Front, side, and rear skirt armors can lift up to avoid interference to the leg articulation.
  • The upper thighs can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
  • The ankles can tilt/pivot in an extent.
  • The fuel tanks and funnel racks are poseable.

Weapons/Other Gimmicks

  • The hands are swappable.
  • Each of the weapons must be wielded by their respective hand parts.
  • Funnel Racks can be opened or closed. 
    • Stored Funnel parts can be optionally removed from the racks if one prefers to display the Sazabi with the deployed Funnel pieces.
  • Shield can be attached in two different positions via two different posts on the U-shaped adapter.
  • Beam Tomahawk hilt can be optionally removed from the shield as a handheld weapon.
    • Beam Tomahawk's attack mode can be recreated with either Beam Tomahawk or the Beam Sword effect parts.
  • The panel underneath Sazabi's crotch can be optionally removed to reveal a port for Action Bases (1 and 4 recommended).

Tips & Tricks

  • If one wished to repaint it kit, one must strip off the metallic paint.
  • Due to the parts being coated along with the runner (and combined with a lack of undergates), cutting the pieces off from the sprues may leave some marks, even if some care is taken.
    • Likewise, some parts' tabs/notches can be in a tight fit while assembling, so some scraping is needed.
    • If possible, the marks can be repaired by applying metallic colors that matches the coated plastic.

B-Club related customizations

  • High Detail Manipulator 170 can be used for this kit. (repainted required)

Notes & Trivia

  • Along with the Metallic coated version of the Nu Gundam kit, This Gunpla is released to promote the Blu-ray release of Char's Counterattack.
  • Unlike the photos seen in the box art, the runners are completely separated to each other, as per norm to metallic coating/Extra Finish kits.
  • This is also the last metallic-coated Sazabi kit to be released for the regular retail, as subsequent variants of the newer Sazabi kits is moved to being a webshop/The Gundam Base exclusives instead.


Other Recomendations